Blogger Recognition Award… 😇

I’m very happy right now ! Just got my 1st Blogger Recognition Award… 😇

Party 🎉🎉

I am grateful to Mahesh Maliawesomengers) for nominating me …


Rules for participating in Blogger recognition award:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.Write a post to show your award.Attach the award to the post.Give a brief story of how your blog started.Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide a link to the award post you created.

My Blogging Journey :

I’m thankful to my Twitter frnd #Masoom Jethwa for helping me to start my blogging journey.
He read my poem on Twitter and advised me to use WP for my poems publication.
I had wrote my 1st poem in 2010 when I was in STD 7th.
Bt got the first chance to publish my poems here before 3months.
In these 3 months, I found ppl are loving my poems, they are appreciating me, and this really encourage me to write more. I also got many frnds here.
I love this journey and hope this journey will be more beautiful ahead…😘

For now , I would like to ask you guys some question in an effort to keep improving the blog and making it more effective .

So here are some areas you might like to comment on:

Topics : are there topics (specific or general) you’d like covered in the coming months?Post frequency : too many posts / not enough /just right ?Theme : whether  poemsbyarti looks good aesthetically ?Type of posts : Till now what you’d like most/least ??Do you really my posts or you hit the ‘like’ just for seeking attention ? please comment … let’s see how many truereaders I have !!

 Advice for new bloggers : 

Write what you think..
Write what  you feel…
Let  your words be your weapon..
Let the world know your power…
Keep writing…
Keep smiling…

My Nominations :

I’m getting confused…
I’ll inform them personally…😅

Keep writing..

56 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award… 😇

  1. Topics seems great.
    Just right.
    Theme : whether poemsbyarti looks good aesthetically ? Looks good.
    Type of posts : Till now what you’d like most/least ? Like em all.
    Do you really my posts or you hit the ‘like’ just for seeking attention ? Seeking attention? They must like you to seek your attention.
    See how many true readers I have. Did you see it?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Congratulations to you! This has only happened because of the way you pour your heart and emotion into what you write 🙂

    Also, thanks for the advice! I’m still relatively new to the blogging world😁🙊

    If you wouldn’t mind, it would mean so much to me if you could spare just a few minutes of your time to read & provide feedback on my recent blog post –

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Arti Congrats . I don’t blog , otherwise I would have also nominated you . Hope you get chance to read my Book on short stories : Journey from Guwahati to Machhiwara , now in 13 countries , 90 libraries . #amwriting

    Liked by 1 person

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